The designs of our roofs are a prominent part of our homes. From a stranger passing by to your valued family and friends, it draws everybody’s attention. The roof says a lot about your taste and imagination. Custom roofs are a way to demonstrate your artsy side.

 Custom roofs allow homeowners to choose their roofs. A customized roof design according to your taste and choice. From material to shape and color everything, screams your type of aesthetics.

We at, Anjco Roofing acknowledge the spirit of homeowners to design their custom roofs. Specifications are yours, efforts are ours. We thrive to go hand in hand with our craftsmanship and your designs.  You take a decision, we stand behind you. Give us a call at +1 647-808-4449 and make your imaginations come true.

How beneficial Custom Roofs are?

Custom roof manufacturing has many advantages. It’s just like wearing a diamond ring, that fits according to your size. Why does it look gorgeous? Because that ring is made according to the details, that complimented you.

Isn’t custom roof manufacturing, the same thing? It certainly, is. The material in the market can barely understand your aesthetic, that’s why fabrication of a custom roof is the right guy to do the job.

Here are some benefits of custom roof manufacturing.


Custom roofs give full control to the contractor, hence it improves the quality of roof seals, good drainages, and a roof with a longer lifespan.


The main benefit is having a roof surface that is free of roof. Since it’s not built up with panels that fit together. A seam won’t be there to create leaks and spots. Hence, proving custom roofs are the best the homeowners can have.

Improved Flashing, No Leaks

Custom roofs help improve the flashy edges. Spray-applied roofs are extremely diverse and perfectly able direct application, leaving no seams or gaps. Hence leaving little possibility for leaks.

Perfect Fit

As Cinderella’s foot was a perfect fit for the lost shoes, regardless of the design, the custom roof fits the roof just like that. And when we call it benefit, we just don’t talk about the outer look.

Perfect fit leaves no gaps and leaks behind. It also makes the roof stronger as the protrusion plays the role of strong support, not a weak point.

Desired Colors

Instead of settling for any roof blocks available in the market, choose your own different and unique colors for your roof. The variety and choice span gets widened for color when you make a custom roof design.

Unique Shapes

We believe art is there in everyone, who builds the home. Custom roofing enables the artist inside you to get a unique shape of its own. You don’t have to go for the convenient and standard trend. In custom roofing, you can realize what you imagine.

Who To Call?

Custom roofs might be beneficial at all levels, but what else is equally important is, finding the right ones for the job. Anjco Roofing can surely and proudly say that we are your Mister. Right.

 Up to ×× years of experience in the Canadian community has enabled us to mold our expertise according to your selection and ideas. Ideas are yours, implementing is our task to do.

With lots of humility Anjco Roofing seeks their virtue and reward in their tasks. Call us at

+1 647-808-4449 and do us an honor to be a part of the journey of your dream home.

What do we offer

We save your costs

The global pandemic has made the expenditure of supply chain, touch the sky seventh. Roofing material is way too expensive as a result of the demand and supply law.

Anjco Roofing provide more quality with less cost. We served our customers the best possible quotations. We keep an affordable inventory of roofing components.

Quality and Quality

We like to be in control of quality and consistency. Getting components from someone else for your custom roofs? Nope! We don’t compromise on quality at all.  We have a whole department that can help with panels, gutters, etc.

No Delayed Delivery

Imagine ordering some material months ago and still, your order gets delayed. The longer the delivery time, the more negatively it can impact the project. We assure on-time delivery with emergency speedy deliveries.

About Us

  • We have 20 years of experience in custom roofing in Canada.
  • We provide expert and experienced contractors
  • Fully trained and groomed staff
  • The bilingual supervisor and team are always on-site to communicate with the client
  • We make sure that our quotation for your roofing is competitive.
  • We never say “goodbye”. We aim to build a home in the hearts of the Canadian community. Our customer support will always stay in touch.


     Are custom roofs expensive?

A custom roof requires  more labor and material costs, hence making them expensive.

Are Custom Roofs leak proof?
Since its constructed instead of panels fitted together, there is less possibility of leaks

Can you choose your gutters with custom roofs?
You certainly can, to add more aesthetics to your home design you can get your custom-designed gutters, skylights etcetera.


People these days, build their roofs according to their preferences. This has set the trend of their custom roof design. Custom roofs, take a lot to get constructed but it gives you years-long feelings of satisfaction and joy.

Build according to your taste and aesthetics your custom roof design is your style statement. Anjco Roofing pays high regard to your emotions and creativity, that’s why we extend our services to support your dream related to your sweet home.

 We aim to serve and stimulate the creative skills of the great Canadian community. Your design is our duty to bring that into reality. So give us a call and let’s build the aesthetics together.

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